How many eyelashes grow in front of a person

How many eyelashes a person has in the upper and lower eyelids

People differ in character and appearance, each of the crowd is individual and there are no full-fledged copies, but the structure of the human body is of the same type from nature, but there are exceptional situations. In the morning, looking in the mirror, you at least once paid attention to the eyelashes and wondered why they grow before your eyes? We are accustomed to live in our body and do not think about its unusual and unique. Do you know how many eyelashes grow in a person?

How many eyelashes a person has - upper and lower

All people have eyelashes. One nature gave them fluffy and long, the other short and sparse, but regardless of appearance, they perform one function - protect the eyes from the ingress of large amounts of water, dirt, small objects, dust, etc.

The hairs on the eyelids and on the eyebrows have the strongest and most durable structure, compared to the hair on the head and other parts of the body. For this feature called bristly. In their composition contains only 3% of water, and everything else is protein. In contrast to the hair on the head, these hairs stop in growth at a length clearly laid by genes. Parameters such as diameter, volume, angle of inclination, length, are laid at the gene level and are difficult to change.

Each hair on the eyelid has a root, located at a depth in the layers of the skin, and a rod. It is from the root (onion) that it begins to grow. He is surrounded by a follicle that is responsible for oxygen and nutrition with nutrients. There are also 2-3 sebaceous glands nearby for lubrication of the hair and a bundle of smooth muscles that teach the eyelashes.

In humans, the total number of eyelashes varies between 100-260 pieces in the area of the upper eyelid and 50-160 along the edge of the lower eyelid. The hairs on the top have an average length of 8-12 mm and are usually more than twice the bottom.

How many rows of eyelashes a person has and the number of them

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, a person can grow more than two hundred cilia, occupying the upper eyelid above the eyes and arranged in 2-4 rows. While the lower hairs are only 1-2 rows. In the same row can be up to 50 units.

Angle of growth is laid at the genetic level, so some framing is straight, while others gracefully bend towards the eyebrows.

As a result of a failure in the human genetic program during the period of its embryonic development, eyelashes can grow in 3-5 rows along the lower edge of the eye and in 5-6 rows along the upper edge. This disease, which is not amenable to treatment and changes not only the number of hairs, but also the direction of growth is inward towards the cornea. This causes discomfort, pain, and causes serious complications and problems with the organs of sight.

What determines the growth and what it takes to lash less

The appearance of the eyes and its characteristics are determined by genetics. Information is laid in utero when the future baby is 22-24 weeks from the moment of conception. As a result, a person is born with cilia and looks at the world with an innocent, but protected look.

A person can influence the growth of hairs, having knowledge of some factors. Few people know that regular use of Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol has a negative effect on the growth process. While a large number of natural products can improve the condition and appearance of eyelashes.

For natural lengthening, masks based on vitamin complexes and castor oil are recommended. In just a month, the daily application is able to bestow unprecedented fluffiness and add a few millimeters in length. Elasticity, strength and thickness are added as a nice bonus.

Also, vaseline, almond and peach oil are safe and effective products. They are allowed to apply both independently and as part of complex masks. Folk medicine knows many interesting and effective recipes with their use.

In the XX century, scientists made a discovery in this area and managed to identify that prostaglandins, produced in the human body, improve hair growth several times. Studies have shown that regular use of hormone-based products gives an effect after 16 weeks, makes hairs thicker by 50%, darker by 25% and longer by 30%.

How long does the eyelash live on the eyelid

Eyebrows and eyelashes are defined by structure as hair, therefore they have the same structure as the whole hairline on the human body. It is difficult to answer exactly how much the life cycle of one cilium is, but many scientists are inclined to believe that it can reach 200 days.

Phases of hair growth:

- Anogenic period - begins the growth of hair follicles. The average period length is 30 days. The rate of extension of one hair is 0.12-, 014 mm / day.
- The catagenic period is transitional with a short time interval of approximately 15 days. During this time, the hair follicle shrinks.
- Telogenous - at this stage, the follicle goes into a sleeping state and is in it for about 100 days. The end of the phase is a hair loss.
- Early anogenic - the maturation of the root of the new unit. Loss of old hairs occurs only under the condition of maturation of the new bulb.

The average lifespan of cilia is 3-5 months.

Knowing the features of hair growth, you can not be afraid of loss and thinning. If there are problems and eyes lose their expressiveness, then give them a little attention and care. Thanks to the research of scientists, there are effective weapons to fight the enemy in the form of natural oils and specialized preparations based on them.

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