How many lashes grow and what does their growth depend on

How long do lashes grow and what influences their active growth

Slight loss of cilia is a normal physiological process, due to the phased phases of hair development. It is important to know how many eyelashes grow, and what stimulation means contribute to their activity. Compliance with the basic rules of care will help avoid panic moods when a hair has been found.

How long do lashes grow and their life cycle

The growth and duration of the life cycle of eyelashes depends on various situations and factors affecting them. The procedure of hair extensions, careless and careless attitude to the appearance and health of the eyes lead to negative consequences. The existence of eyelashes lasts from 30 to 100 days depending on the influencing factors. Regularly updated hairs visually impossible to notice. In the upper century, their number is 150-200 pieces, in the lower one - 70-100. Replacing old hairs with new ones occurs consistently and slowly, which makes them appear to not grow. In a month, cilia grow by about 0.5-0.7 mm. The life cycle of cilia can be divided into 4 periods:

- Anagen - the active phase of growth, lasts from 14 to 42 days;
- catagen - the period of rest and gradual death of the hair, lasts from 28 to 42 days;
- telogen - the process of loss of cilia and the emergence of a new hair bulb, takes 90 days;
- Early anagen is the phase of development of the newly formed hair.

How quickly recovered

Recovery of cilia is a slow process, due to how much and from what they are damaged. There are a number of factors contributing to the regeneration and renewal of hairs. They may be damaged after a build-up, with thermal or chemical burns, with inept and unfair care and applying makeup. The recovery phase takes 2-3 months.

After building

Extension will give amazingly long and thick eyelashes, but can lead to negative consequences. Hairs will begin to crumble intensively, break. If a woman trusted an inexperienced and unqualified specialist, the eyelashes after extension will have an unattractive appearance, their structure will be broken and the number will decrease. How long will the renewal take? Approximately 60 days, depending on the damage.

When referring to a professional cosmetologist, following all recommendations, quality materials used during the procedure, the update sequence will be invisible.

After building it is necessary to adhere to such instructions:

- 14 days do not apply mascara on the ciliary line;
- use cosmetics based on natural ingredients containing vitamins and nutrients;
- rub your eyes less, avoid frequent touching;
- apply gentle makeup remover and regularly remove mascara from eyelashes;
- give the opportunity to relax the hairs after building, you can repeat it after a month.

If they are torn out, cut, after a burn

Careless attitude to their own eye health can play a cruel joke. Many girls listen to the advice, if you trim or tear out the hair of a ciliary row, they will grow better. Categorically it is impossible to pull out, cut. If this happens, they will recover for a long time, an average of 70 days.

There are unforeseen situations when a person received a thermal or chemical burn of the face, in the process of which hairs were completely burned. The root will gradually come to life, the growth phases will resume after 3 months.

How to stimulate growth

After the fall, the eyelashes will resume active growth faster if they are fed with useful oils, vitamins and decoction of medicinal herbs. Excellent helpers, stimulating increase in length, are: castor, burdock oil, oil vitamins A, E, chamomile, calendula compresses, cornflower, healing massage of the eyelids. Oil extracts of wheat germ, grape and peach kernels, essential emulsions of lavender, ylang-ylang, special serums and moisturizing agents have a positive effect on enhancing growth.

What determines the growth of eyelashes

Their development and neoplasm from scratch depends on the following factors:

- use of high-quality cosmetics that will not damage the structure of the hair and its permanent removal overnight;
- proper nutrition, balanced and enriched with a variety of healthy products;
- the use of healing and tonic masks, decoctions, special cosmetics will have a positive effect on the growth of hairs.

The first results of active development of eyelashes will be visible after a week of implementation of the above tips.

Tweezers and various devices for curling, twisting, if used improperly, are negatively displayed on the cilia, they break and become thinner.

Proper care, compliance with elementary recommendations for removing makeup will allow you to control and maintain the appearance of eyelashes. They will grow rapidly, become strong and thick. Regular care and attention to the beauty and health of cilia will help to look spectacular and gorgeous.

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