How easy and inexpensive to make mascara at home

Not all brands can boast a qualitative composition of cosmetics that can emphasize the eyes and expressively, and take care of their health. Any girl, using the means at hand, can make the tool on their own, if well-known brands do not satisfy her needs. Homemade mascara is always environmentally friendly, economical and safe enough.

Is it possible to make mascara yourself

Ink is an ancient decorative cosmetics, leading its history since the days of ancient Egypt. 4 thousand years ago, made from natural ingredients, it was applied to the eyes and eyebrows, making the face more textured. Over the millennia, the composition of the primordial cosmetic product has changed, but its main elements: pigments, oils and wax - are still the basis for cosmetics of leading brands.

In modern products add a large number of substances that are not always safe for health. This is done in order to increase the shelf life, to make the tool more resistant to external manifestations, and most importantly - to save time applying makeup, which is so necessary in the current rhythm of life.

These ingredients can cause allergic reactions when applied to the eyelashes or upon contact with the eye mucosa. Making your own mascara can be a necessity if you want to be beautiful, but using factory products causes unpleasant consequences.

What you need to cook

The age-old wisdom has generated a huge number of recipes, easily sold at home. If you know the technology of preparation, the basic ingredients can be combined, choose the appropriate option and create an excellent structural mascara. Homemade cosmetics has many advantages:

- natural ingredients are used;
- you are in charge of the whole cooking process;
- cost of funds is much lower than purchased;
- does not spoil the eyelashes, carefully applies to the skin of the eyelids.

Making mascara at home reduces the consumption of plastic, as well as the amount of garbage you produce.

To make mascara at home you will need:

- Container for mixing components (glass, plastic or porcelain).
- Measuring cup, spoon or kitchen scale. You can use ordinary spoons, given that the volume of a teaspoon is 5 ml, and a tablespoon is 18 ml.
- Something that will stir. It is desirable that it was a wooden stick.
- Capacity in which you are going to store the finished product, with a tight-fitting lid and opaque walls.
- Brush for mascara (you can use the old, previously

The main components in the preparation are:

- oils;
- activated carbon, iron oxide, or even carbon black;
- wax;

To the main components that can be found in a regular store and pharmacy, add:

- Lanolin - strengthens the hair follicle.
- Wheat germ - promote hair growth.
- Keratin - affects the structure of proteins in the cortex of the hair.
- Aloe Vera - improves the internal structure of the eyelashes.
- Castor oil, vitamins B, C, E - strengthen hair, eliminate damage to the cilia, improve blood circulation, protect from ultraviolet radiation.
- Acacia gum - able to twist the cilia.

How to make color ink at home

The approach to creating natural cosmetics can be creative. There is no need to always prepare a black eyeliner. For an unforgettable look, make mascara easy for the eyelashes: instead of coal, add a bright food dye, powdered eye shadow or multi-colored sparkles.

Paints can be various and be selected by the time of the year: gold or brown - in the autumn, green or yellow - in the spring. Do not be afraid to experiment. Shading slate mascara eyelid, cilia will always seem longer and more voluminous.

DIY carrot recipes

There are many recipes for making mascara, among which you can choose the right one. Natural ingredients cannot achieve water resistance and long shelf life. Indelible mascara contains chemical additives that are not suitable for everyone. Home products have no less efficiency. The following are popular cooking methods.

Vegetable based

Pound 4 tablets of coal. Stir it with a quarter teaspoon of cornstarch. Then add a couple of drops of almond oil and half a teaspoon of liquid for the lenses (you can use boiled water). The mixture is stirred and, pouring into a container, give infusion for about an hour.

Based on egg yolk

We grind coal (4 tablets). Separate the yolk from the egg in a bowl. Mix the yolk with coal powder - the mixture is ready for use.

Aloe Vera Based

You can purchase aloe gel at the pharmacy, or you can get it from a real plant. To do this, cut a few bottom large sheets. Place them vertically and wait for the juice to flow. Then each sheet should be divided longitudinally into two parts, and from each half with a spoon to separate the transparent flesh.

To two spoons of gel, add a few drops of vitamin E, a quarter of a teaspoon of clay and glycerin. Coal, we need a whole package. The resulting thick and powder from the coal is thoroughly mixed and poured into a tube.

Jojoba Oil Based

The crushed coal, butter and vitamin E are mixed in equal proportions to the structure of liquid sour cream.

Based on aloe juice

Two tablets and aloe juice are mixed one to one. This slurry is used as a mascara or liquid eyeliner.

You can fill the old, cleaned tube with a syringe with the prepared mixture.

Beeswax Based

Coal is mixed with a few drops of aloe vera and beeswax or almond oil is added, which makes the mixture thick enough and prevents the prepared cosmetics from drying out for a long time.

Mascara in a bar

We mix four tablets of the crushed coal, a quarter of a spoonful of corn starch, a half of a teaspoon of liquid for lenses. To them add a quarter spoon of beeswax and half almond oil.

All ingredients should be melted in a water bath. As soon as the wax has melted, the mixture is quickly mixed, and then poured into a bowl and a bar is formed. This mascara will be stored for a long time.

Features storage of carcasses, cooked yourself

Prepared cosmetics have a drawback - the shelf life. The mixture based on egg yolk is stored for no more than 2 days, on the basis of wax - no more than 14, for the rest it is a little less than a week.

The jar with the tool must be sealed. It should be stored either in the refrigerator or in a dark cool place.

Cosmetics - eco-friendly, easily washed off with plain water and makeup remover. But a spoiled ingredient after an expiration date can cause allergies.

Ease of creating cosmetics contributes to the creation of an individual unique recipe that takes into account your characteristics and needs. Hand-made mascara, besides financial and health benefits, can benefit the environment.

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